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One Big Family

Many people view God as a lonely old man in the sky. Nothing could be further from the truth – the Bible describes God as being like a family of three persons. God the Father, God the Son (who became a man 2,000 years ago), and God the Holy Spirit. This family has always existed – and is the perfect family.


The amazing message of the Bible is that God calls us to be part of his family. If we say ‘yes’, that makes us adopted children in his family.


Our church is not a weekly event that people come to, it is a group of family members. If everyone gathered together at one time there would be over one hundred of us. We are old, young, married, single, divorced, healthy, ailing; and if you scratch deep enough you will find that we’re all more imperfect than we would like to admit. Looking at us we're fairly unremarkable - but God is at work to make us more like the Lord Jesus.


We do our best to support, encourage, teach and look out for each other. We want to be alongside each other when things go wrong. We aim to bring joy into one another’s lives and to equip each other to live as faithful members of God’s family 24/7.


Our latest Sermons


How we serve

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