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Serving You

'As the Parish Church of Hanford we are committed to serving God and the village in the power of the Holy Spirit, welcoming all, and by our work and witness seeking to share with everyone the love and care of Jesus Christ'.

Introducing Footsteps Cafe

We would like to introduce you to Footsteps Cafe, a relaxed and friendly cafe for the bereaved. 


We are open the second Tuesday of each month. We would love to see you, so if you can please come along to enjoy a drink and a chance to meet with friendly people for a chat.

Codgers Club


This is an opportunity for older blokes to get together and enjoy each others company.

Are you a 'Senior' gentlemen or do you know someone who might enjoy this meeting?


We meet at the Scout Hut in Diarmid Road on Wednesday mornings, 10.00 - 1200, to play darts or card and board games.  We have a brew together, and simply chat and enjoy each other's company.  For further details contact Keith Hughes on 01782 938188.)


Midweek bible study groups

For anyone wishing to meet midweek in person we have options for bible study during the day or the evening. Growth groups  provide an opportunity to meet with other Christians to study the bible and share our experiences.


Please contact us for more information.


Ministry to our Care Homes


If or when you retire to a Care Home, would you not love the opportunity to meet regularly with other Christians?


We aim to hold services once or twice a month in each of our Care Homes (generally on a Thursday), and to help in any other way we can. If you would like to come along and support this significant and vital work, please

contact Revd Deb Aitken by using our "Contact Us"  button at the bottom of the page.

Pastoral Support

John 13 verse 34 - Jesus gave his disciples a new command:-
'Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another...'

At St. Matthias’ we have a reputation as a friendly church and the pastoral care of our members is very important to us as we follow the teaching of Jesus, to ‘Love one another’.

The pastoral care often takes place informally, (just knowing that people care for you can be a great support), but we also have organised approach to caring.  We have ...

·  Footsteps Cafe  
·  Codgers club 
·  Service in our local residential care home for the elderly
·  Transport to services
·  Prayer Ministry 
·  Weekly fellowship meetings


Midweek Fellowship using Zoom


You will need to install Zoom to joins these meetings


We have a midweek online fellowship using Zoom.


Monday  19:00 - 20:00 


During the meeting we look at scripture and pray together


Meeting ID: 214 898 3696

Passcode:   111111

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